Monday, December 7, 2009

Queens and Jeans

Who doesn't love Queen? Maybe you shouldn't be reading this blog if you don't. Or maybe you SHOULD read on and experience their royal highnesses via the wonder of interweb technology. I suggest the latter.

Speaking of technology, my affinity for the BBC declared "Greatest British Rock Band of All Time" began at an early age with the purchase of my first compact disc in grade four - Queen Greatest Hits (1992 American re-release). My personal dance floor/parent's basement would never be the same again. Though I can't deem all of my later soundtracks to be equally as epic, I must say, I started off on the right track.

The big/little ponybro informed me of a new Bohemian Rhapsody cover on YouTube, hence the inspiration for my latest ponylife post...

Isn't that just the most delightfully comforting thing you ever saw?

Anyhow, now for some of the real deal...

Freddy Mercury is my ponyteethed hero. SERIOUSLY, how can you not love and own white jeans after seeing Mr. Mercury rock them?

After mentioning that I must of course feature one of my other favorite moments in white denim history. If Freddy can't convince you, maybe another one of my childhood favorites can. In a German dubbed clip (the only one I could find) from one of my favorite scenes in Dirty Dancing, Jennifer Grey sports these casual wonders, proving that she's way too hot to put Baby in the corner.

*sigh* That's all for today.


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