Sunday, December 6, 2009

Do something crazy today.

I just did.

I've decided I'm okay with crazy. If it means I'm doing what I want, then so be it, I'm totally nuts.

"When the going gets weird, the weird go pro" - Hunter S. Thompson

Not that I'm comparing myself to Mr. Thompson here, but I can relate. I'm ready to embrace my mental differences and protect them from the judgmental masses. TAKE THAT ALL YOU NORMAL BITCHES, I'M NOT BACKING DOWN!

I am an independent head case.

Now that I got that off my shoulders and quite possibly scared the shit out of you, I'm going to ponyDita's place for some ponyvisits.With that I shall leave you with an image from everyone's favorite parisienne cabaret, Le Crazy Horse, featuring some delightful ladies who I'm sure are quite fond of ponies themselves.

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