I just did.
I've decided I'm okay with crazy. If it means I'm doing what I want, then so be it, I'm totally nuts.
"When the going gets weird, the weird go pro" - Hunter S. Thompson
Not that I'm comparing myself to Mr. Thompson here, but I can relate. I'm ready to embrace my mental differences and protect them from the judgmental masses. TAKE THAT ALL YOU NORMAL BITCHES, I'M NOT BACKING DOWN!
I am an independent head case.
Now that I got that off my shoulders and quite possibly scared the shit out of you, I'm going to ponyDita's place for some ponyvisits.With that I shall leave you with an image from everyone's favorite parisienne cabaret, Le Crazy Horse, featuring some delightful ladies who I'm sure are quite fond of ponies themselves.
get here already pone-pone