Friday, May 21, 2010

mitstik and miss jackson

My friend Zuly just launched her new website for her swimwear line, NAMELESS. I had the honor of modeling one of her creations, Mitstik, in March while I was in Mexico City... and she made me Miss January in her swimsuit calender! You can tell I'm the only Canadian featured 'cause I look ultra pasty. That's fine, I just wish I had some freckles to go along with the white skin. Her ultra fun designs for this season are inspired by los luchadors. I ended up taking three styles home with me, Pequeña Perkings, Dra. K and Dra. Deadline. I LOVE THEM! Now I just need the weather to wear them. Maybe I'll have to return to Mexico...

Congratulations Zuly!!!

And one more awesome thing. My homegirl Tiffany Jackson is looking daaamn fine in the new Hot Hot Heat video, so check her out fo sho.


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